Thursday, September 3, 2020

Saltasaurus - Facts and Figures

Saltasaurus - Facts and Figures Name: Saltasaurus (Greek for Salta reptile); articulated SALT-ah-SORE-us Living space: Forests of South America Recorded Period: Late Cretaceous (80-65 million years back) Size and Weight: Around 40 feet in length and 10 tons Diet: Plants Recognizing Characteristics: Generally thin form; quadrupedal stance; short neck and legs; hard plates lining back About Saltasaurus As titanosaurs go, the South American Saltasaurus was the half-pint of the litterthis dinosaur just weighed around 10 tons drenching wet, contrasted with 50 or 100 tons for progressively celebrated titanosaur cousins like Bruhathkayosaurus or Argentinosaurus. (The titanosaurs of the later Mesozoic Era advanced from the great sauropods of the late Jurassic time frame, and are in fact included under the sauropod umbrella.) The dainty size of Saltasaurus requests a persuading clarification, given that this dinosaur dates from the late Cretaceous time frame, around 70 million years prior; at this point, most titanosaurs had developed to the super-heavyweight class. The most probable hypothesis is that Saltasaurus was limited to a remote South American biological system, lacking bountiful vegetation, and developed down so as not to debilitate the assets of its propensity. (Amusingly, Saltasaurus was the primary recognized titanosaur; it took extra disclosures for scientistss to understand that most individuals from this variety were considerably more great.) What set Saltasaurus and different titanosaurs separated from their sauropod progenitors was the hard shield covering their backs; on account of Saltasaurus, this defensive layer was so thick and bumpy that scientistss at first mixed up this dinosaur (found in Argentina in 1975) for an example of Ankylosaurus. Obviously, infant and adolescent titanosaurs pulled in the notification of the various tyrannosaurs and raptors of the late Cretaceous time frame, and their back plates advanced as an ostensible type of safeguard. (Not even the most arrogant Giganotosaurus would decide to focus on a full-developed titanosaur, which would have exceeded its adversary three or multiple times over!)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Service Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Administration Marketing - Essay Example Aside from the utilization part the work segment is getting a tremendous lift the same number of graduates and employable people are being enlisted in the area. The compensations are very great and this unquestionably is improving the economy all in all. Truly a couple of instructive establishments have presented retail the board courses which empower the understudies to get a definite preparing in this field. The division is not, at this point a matter of purchasing and selling; it has changed into an exhaustive research region. Researchers and directors are attempting to comprehend the subtleties of this industry and attempting to make sense of the buyer conduct, the variables influencing the segment, the administration guidelines, evaluating and deals advancements. From the customers perspective it sells their necessities as well as gives them a social stage to associate. For some it is the main wellspring of social movement. On the off chance that we take a gander at the more extensive range, we will see that the retail business has crossed the outskirts and is presently part of the worldwide economy. The significant retail players have exploited cross fringe exchanges and opening up of economies. This has made economies of scale as well as the advertisers would now be able to realign their flexibly chain the executives in a worldwide manner. They have the benefit of sourcing merchandise from the creating nations which offer serious items at a lower cost. In the activities part the sheer volume is making the benefits take off high, notwithstanding value cuts. The preferences separated, there are a couple of deficiencies which makes retailing not a simple employment. At the point when the matter of worldwide exchange emerges one must comprehend that the economy, society and world of politics of every nation will vary. Each nation or district has its own economy, which is influenced by numerous reasons. It could be political, mechanical, social or some other outside elements. The

Friday, August 21, 2020

Aids Vaccine by Merck and Company Free Essays

1) What sort of antibody was this, and how was it expected to function? The antibody known as V520 that was utilized in these investigations can't cause HIV contamination since it contains just of viral materials which has artificially delivered bits. Such antibody is made out of adenovirus a typical infection which ordinarily causes upper respiratory contamination these gatherings of infection taint the layers tissue linings of the respiratory tract normal in grown-up and kids, this disease incorporate fever the most incessant side effects is the aggravation of the pharynx or sore throat which is the indication of pharyngitis, irritation of the nasal layers, or a clogged runny nose hack and swollen lymph hubs (organ). This disease now and again prompts otitis media. We will compose a custom article test on Helps Vaccine by Merck and Company or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now It was first found as an operator causing upper respiratory contamination in man, the human adenovirus contain 41 unmistakable serotypes which cause an assortment of afflictions, for example, intense respiratory, visual, gastrointestinal and urinary tract sicknesses ( Lattime et al, 2002). The adenovirus serotypes have an oncogenic plausibility and can animate tumors in rodents cause a striking flood of enthusiasm for the investigation of the atomic science of human adenoviruses. 2) How did the scientists manage the situation of working with â€Å"control† human subjects? That is, did they caution the volunteers to ensure themselves however acquire no noteworthy information to test the immunization? Or then again did they attempt to recognize the vaccine’s viability while their members were in danger of getting HIV disease? Did they discover a arrangement? Researcher has made the immunization by making the antibody by hereditarily making modifications the regular adenovirus which comprise the piece of HIV. They had trust that it will actuate an insusceptible reaction that would make beneficiaries less to get HIV or interfere with the initiation of out and out AIDS. It is normal from the immunization by the researcher that the antibody ought not cause contamination however to deliver results that would make on the resistance of the beneficiaries to made it simpler for the to seize through a later presentation. Those volunteers who have gotten the least two portions of the said immunization nineteen volunteers choked HIV contrasted and the eleven people which are given fake treatments. The quandary of working with â€Å"control† human subjects is that they are increasingly wild in regards to their condition immediacy for this long tow will never be accomplished on a limited capacity to focus time proceeded by enthusiasm for an exact innovation. It requires excited and arranged society and various spots which are both very much proceeded and graceful to adjust changes in technique. This is one of the rules that the referenced trial has needed, in utilizing huge scope preliminaries to be shy of partners with fine portrayed occurrence and recurrence paces of HIV contamination Without the steady of how much disease happens in a network in a specific year, there will be no methods for knowing whether a participant antibody will help diminish the pace of new contaminations. This data must be gathered sooner before enormous scope test can begin. It is likewise noteworthy to know the elements of viral burden and CD4 cell includes in HIV-tainted individuals in the network where the tryout happens. 3) How might the researchers decide adequacy? That is, when looking at the inoculated volunteers with the individuals who got a fake treatment, how enormous a distinction between the immunized versus control gatherings would have been important to call the preliminary a triumph (say, at the 95% certainty level)? The AIDS immunization preliminaries moving set out toward enormous preliminaries are not likely to safeguard individuals from disease. In its place the immunizations are bound to improve the arrangement of HIV to AIDS if an inoculated individual gets tainted. To determine the vaccine’s sway, volunteers will require to be followed over an all-inclusive timeframe conceivably their life expectancy. This speaks to a significant model move which requires generous learning of preliminary members and networks in which test happen. Helps immunization specialists require making it sure that frameworks are in position to affirm that a valuable test comes from immunization initiated antibodies, rather a distinct sickness. In addition, searched for are projects to battle inclination against anybody took a crack at an AIDS antibody test whether test HIV seropositive or not. The immunization created by Merck and Co. didn't forestall HIV contamination nor did it limit the seriousness of the illness, in the individuals who become tainted with HIV because of their own practices that presented them to infection. The preliminary could have been a triumph and be successful if the scientists has been increasingly mindful on recording who are the patients who get fake treatment and the genuine immunization, and after the antibody they should even now screen the exercises of the volunteers particularly if at any point they despite everything enjoy activities that will make them progressively inclined to the referenced ailment. 4) In your feeling, what turned out badly? For what reason did the preliminary fizzle? The task fizzles in light of the fact that the greater part of the volunteers are hetero; they were not educated after the test on the off chance that they have been given the fake treatment or the antibody. Sudden outcomes from different AIDS contemplates had additionally occur, much the same as the preliminaries of two vaginal microbicide gels to stay away from HIV yet have prompted more contaminations for the individuals who have truly utilized the item than the individuals who has gotten the fake treatments. Due to the long time and test done to consummate the test we can generally anticipate disappointment, in a specific analysis the control person is significant in light of the fact that this will fill in as the premise on the test side which incorporate the various measure of volunteers unmonitored after the immunization like their extra curricular exercises and the manner in which they have their sexual relationship with the other sex, a nearby perception on their itinerary’s in their ordinary living in the more extended timeframe. Work Cited Koff, W. C., Gust I. D. Kahn P. (2007). Helps Vaccine Development. Skyline Scientic Press. Hawthorme, F. (2003). The Merck Druggernaut: The Inside Story of a Pharmaceutical. Mammoth. John Wiley and Sons Lattime E.C., S.L. Gerson, (2002). Quality Therapy of Cancer. Elsevier Publishing   The most effective method to refer to Aids Vaccine by Merck and Company, Essay models

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Compare and Contrast - 550 Words

Compare and Contrast (Term Paper Sample) Content: [Student name] [Professor's name] English 4 August 2016 Comparing and Contrasting the Behavior and Treatment of Dolphins in the Wild and Captivity Dolphins are loveable mammals that have captured the hearts of kids and adults from all over the world. They are gentle creatures being held in captivity or can be found in the wild. The dolphins held in captivity are placed in small enclosures, which keeps them from diving deeply or swimming for long distances in a straight line. When this is done to a dolphin, it is deprived of freely mingling with other dolphins. This setting can sometimes place them in an unlikely situation where they have to mix with other species they are not compatible with. According to Dolphins in Captivity web site, "One of the tragedies of captive dolphins is how they are captured." Majority of dolphins get hunted down from their pods by helicopters and some result to using explosives. Dolphins in commercial shows look friendly and funny, but there is a sad truth behind this. SOS Dolphins web site stated that "Dolphinaria give their animals Valiums and other drugs to prevent them from showing abnormal behaviors." Aggression of male dolphins are prevented because of the steroids being given to them so they are tame while performing. Since they have to entertain tourists the whole day, without being given the chance to swim freely like in the wild, they can feel boredom which causes them to get frustrated and become hostile. The natural personalities of dolphins, which are having strength in one's self and having foresight are compromised because they are suspended to act in certain ways to entertain audiences. Dolphins are known to make their own choi ces while being in the wild because 80% to 90% of the time they are underwater, and keeping them in tanks is in total contrast of this. The dolphins experience artificial lighting, sounds, and they are not swimming in natural seawater if they are in a pool. They are born to live in seawater or else they get a mixture of freshwater, salt, and chemicals if captured by humans, which is unsafe to their health. The anatomy and digestive system of dolphins are structured to eat fish, invertebrates, and smaller mammals. Captured dolphins are given different kinds of dead fish, which are most of the time given during training as a reward. Dolphins are smart enough to hunt on their own and if they are fed with dead fish, all the vitamins are lost that they also need for a stronger immune system. The interactive programs also put stress on the dolphins because people are given permission to "ride" dolphins. Aside from the limitations placed on them, riding dolphins is intrusive and dangerous for them. T...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Marketing Strategies For The Advertising - 1541 Words

The Persuaders looked different advertising strategies on how to effectively reach consumers. In a time when the price of an advertisement is going up, but the effectiveness of reaching the consumers is going down advertisers are left trying to figure out a way to reach consumers. This film looked at different strategies that were used in the past, and strategies that are currently being used to break through the clutter. Clutter refers to the amount of advertising a consumer is exposed to on a daily basis. The key to success as this film points out, is to break through that clutter and brand advertisements better than the competitor, while appealing to the consumer. Overall, this film looked at different areas of how advertising use to be about choice words, such as â€Å"better† â€Å"brighter† â€Å"tougher†. Then some companies decided to target an emotional appeal to the consumer. For example, the film uses the airline Song to specifically look at targeting the needs of women. The commercial that was constructed showed used an emotional appeal before showing different services that Song uses. Finally, the video talked about how the consumer wants to have a feeling of entitlement and being in charge. If an advertiser wants to be successful in this sense they need to make the consumer feel like the advertisement is specifically targeted to them. Overall, if a company wants to make good use of their advertising budget, they need to keep up with the new demands and changes in the behaviorShow MoreRelatedMarketing Strategy And Advertisements : Advertising1461 Words   |  6 PagesMarketing Strategy and Advertisements It is hard to turn on the television without seeing marketing advertisements. Some ads are good and helpful while others are unethical and annoying. An individual will see advertisements for food, sanitary products, prescription drugs, and lawyers, to name a few, but this list could go on and on. 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In this assignmentRea d MoreEssay on Marketing Strategies970 Words   |  4 Pages Content:  The decision content includes market opportunity analysis, brand development, advertising, pricing and basic sales force management decisions. It also includes a simplified profit analysis. Decisions by Quarter Quarter 1: Setup your company, evaluate market opportunities and prepare for test market. †¢ DetermineRead MoreProduct Line Of Microwavable Meals1136 Words   |  5 PagesFive (5) Year Expansion Plan The first year of operations will be dedicated to launching the initial product line of microwavable meals. The company will focus its efforts on the initial product launch and advertising. During the first year, the company will evaluate sales on a quarterly basis and assess the potential for new products. In the second year, the company will invest money in Research Development for brand extensions and new product lines. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)

Accounting Importance of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) Miriam Manjarres November 18, 2012 Abstract The Generally Accepted Auditing Standards are standards that were developed through the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as a foundation in conducting an audit in its reasonable accuracy. There is a need for auditors to follow the standards provided to be able to render a report of the financial statements audited stating that it is free from any misstatement. GAAS are divided into three categories such as the general standards, the standards of fieldwork and standards of reporting. Auditors can render reports of the financial statements audited in four ways. The report†¦show more content†¦Auditors and GAAS Auditors have an important role in the business world. They are primarily in charge with checking the accuracy of the financial statements reported by business entities. These business entities are required to record,interpret and report every business transaction that has a corresponding effect on the comapany’s economic standing. The whole business process of every business entity or organization are done or made in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.(GAAP) However, there are instances that business entities do not accurately follow the rules and guidelines provided in the GAAP. Some entities are doing it without the intention to defraud others but there are also others who delineate f rom the standards provided with the intention to mislead others into believing that the company is performing well or has enough assets to pay all of its liabilities despite the opposite fact. To prevent the instances mentioned above from happening, auditors are required to obtain and evaluate data from the business entities to check for anyShow MoreRelatedInternational Standards On Auditing Standards1527 Words   |  7 PagesInternational standards on auditing were set to provide guidance for audits conducted all over the world. As globalization becomes more prevalent, it is essential that these standards are set to provide guidance in the conductions of audits internationally. Even though there are international standards, each country can develop their own set of standards and adopt some of the aspects of the international standards on auditing. However, there is no requirement that the standards set in a particularRead MoreAuditing and Assurence Services Chapter 2 Solutions527 5 Words   |  22 PagesCHAPTER 2 Professional Standards LEARNING OBJECTIVES | | | | | | |Exercises, Problems, and | | |Review Checkpoints |Simulations | | Read MoreParmalat Case Answers Essay1225 Words   |  5 Pagesundermining revenue. We also have to consider different accounting and financial reporting treatments for the same transactions and accounts. 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SEC Sanctioned Richard Fiedelman The SEC requiresRead MoreWhat Is The Greatest Challenge An Auditor Faces?1266 Words   |  6 Pagesupon the level of education, experience, and in rare cases the weather on the day the individual was asked for his/her view on troublesome areas of the profession. Certainly, this is not uncommon in comparison with similar or related accounting and auditing career fields, in fact this is a common result amongst all professions. Incidentally, the same group of people had numerous aspects found to be favorable in the field which warranted further research on the subject matter and expanded the demographicRead MoreACC 491 Syllabus1437 Words   |  6 PagesSYLLABUS ACC/491 Contemporary Auditing I Copyright  ©2014 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is the first in a two-part series that deals with auditing a company s financial reports, internal controls, and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) systems. Topics include auditing standards, evidence, audit planning and documentation, materiality and risk, internal control, statistical tools, and the overall audit plan and program. Course Dates Nov 11, 2014 - DecRead MoreThe Soundness Of A Client s Business Model1059 Words   |  5 PagesCase #3: NextCard, Inc. Name: Geon Ui Lee Q1. Should auditors evaluate the soundness of a client’s business model? AU 311 Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) do not clearly indicate that auditors should evaluate the soundness of a client’s business model. In addition, auditors do not need to write and submit the document about the soundness of a client’s business model. The role of auditors is not judging the client’s businessRead MoreThe Role Of External Auditing On Promoting Good Corporate Governance Essay1646 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of external auditing in promoting good corporate governance. The role of auditors has been emphasized after the pass of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as a response to the accounting scandal of Enron. Even though auditors are hired and paid by the company, their role is not to represent or act in favor of the company, but to watch and investigate the company’s financials to protect the public from any material misstatements that can affect their decisionsRead MoreEssay on History of Auditing312 6 Words   |  13 Pages| | |The History of Auditing | |A detailed overview | | Read MoreAuo 1 Study Guide Essay12292 Words   |  50 PagesAshley Richardson 11/15/2013 Western Governors University AUO1 – Auditing and Information Systems Additional Study Questions/ Study Guide 1. Accounting Information Systems Competency 302.1.1: Nature and Purpose The student understands the nature and purpose of information systems. * What is the difference between transaction processing systems, management information systems, and decision support systems? 2. Transaction processing systems - document financial activities

Culture and Values Influence on Consumer Behavior

Question: Analysis may include comparing the different uses of the influence, different approaches that have been taken in the past or perhaps different theoretical models.Do some additional research and find academic evidence to support your response / argument. You are expected to have at least 6 academic references for the assignment. Answer: Society or Culture sways purchaser from beginning to end through the guideline and qualities set up by the overall population in which they exist. It is the put out biological tricks that control or effect buyer conduct. Society is by far the most clearing of these outside effects. Really, it is extra ordinarily hard to attempt and depict what society precisely is an immediate aftereffect of its predominance in our life. One definition I can advance is to ponder society all the more as a set of individual confinements or standards. We accomplish these limits all in the process of our lives beginning at starting. When we act in light of any condition of undertakings in an approach that 'feels right,' we are inside these limits and acting as per our society. Customer or Consumer behavior deals with the examination of obtaining conduct of clients. Purchaser behavior helps us to grasp why and why not an individual purchases items and organizations from the business area. There are a coup le of components which affect the buying decision of purchasers, social parts being a champion among the most fundamental variables. Social segments have a crucial result on a solitary's buying decision. Every individual has arranged sets of way of life, point of view and essential feelings which he/she creates on or after his relative's state and establishment. What they see from their beginning days changes into their overall population. For a brand name, it is fundamental to see and get into delineation the social parts trademark to everyone business or to everyone circumstance with a specific last destination to get standard to its thing for utilization and its publicizing line of strike. For example, in the West, it is exceptional to approach assistants or buddies at home for a refreshment or dinner. In Japan, horribly, ask some individual home does not if all else fail fit into the adjacent by conventions. It is engaging over do that this sort of day out with accomplices or accessories in consuming up spot. It is principal specificity to consider for the brands in business focus, case in point, wonderful devouring or pop pops and hard snacks. Custom and consuming movement is not the relative in every area of the world. In the mean time as though Japanese set forth you respect; the amiability is to offer him a relating consent in return once more. Mcdonald's is a splendid for example of change in accordance with the specificity of every conventions and each one generation division. Well responsive of the basics to have a propose with careful things to get together the essentials and experience of clients from various social orders, the fast-food goliath has case in p oint: a Mcdonald's in France (with french baguette and Dijon mustard), a Chicken Maharaja Macintosh and a Masala Barbecue Chicken in India (with Indian flavors) furthermore a Super Teriyaki Burger (with teriyaki sauce) or Gurakoro (with macaroni gratin and croquettes) in Japan. Despite the fact that all the fixings used by Mcdonald's as a piece of Arabic and Muslim countries are confirmed halal. The speedy foods gathering not helping, clearly, any made stock with bacon or pork. A society is finished of supplementary than a few sub-social orders in which gathering can perceive. Subcultures are social affair of people who offer the charge the same models help on a commonplace practice or sum way of life in complete. Subcultures are the nationalities, religions, ethnic social events; age bundles, sexual introduction of the individual, et cetera. The subcultures are over and over well altogether thought to be out by the kind for the division of a business in order to wind up adjusted a created items or a correspondence system to the qualities or the unmistakable needs of this analyzation. Brands over and over supplant a little terms in dissimilar to progress; every so often even create exact items (at times without imperative essential refinement) for the same sort of produced merchandise in control to uncommonly protest an age bunch, a sex or a particular sub-society. Social classes are characterized as gatherings there or something like that homogenous and reviewed contrary to one another as per an outward appearance of social pecking request. Still on the off chance that it is greatly extraordinary gatherings, we usually run over comparable standards, ways of life, wellbeing and practices in people fitting in with the alike public course gather. We regularly underestimate three boundless groupings among social classes: minor gathering, operational gathering and advantaged. People from shafts divided social classes have the capacity have distinctive wishes and s pending illustrations. In any case not simply deviations coming to fruition due to the qualification in their purchasing energy, as indicated by a few inspectors, would lead and getting affinities in like way is a framework for ID and fitting in with its social gathering. More remote than a general establishment to the complete inhabitants and considering that various counter delineation clearly exist, they consistently don't for unparalleled pay money for the same stock, don't pick the similar kind of break, don't by and large look at the relative Broadcast spaces, don't for the most part read the same magazines, don't contain the same diversions and don't by and large set foot in the same sorts of retailers and acquisitions. Social examples or "Passing pattern effect" are described as examples far and wide copied by open and which are more foremost than before by their sheer appeal and by expectedness or agreeability with social vitality. The more individuals look for after an arrange, the more others will need to go behind it. They have an impact on implementation and shopping preference for clients and conceivably will be associated with the let isolated of new stock or end up being a wellspring of thing for brands. By social essentialness, aching to standard values or having a spot with a get together, longing to "take after design cases" or essentially owed to the far over the ground deceivability gave by media, clients will be influenced, deliberately or without allowing for, by these illustrations. For example, Facebook has wind up being a scholarly example. The easygoing affiliation has extensively made to the point of changing into an undeniable need encase, particularly between lively masses. It is the comparable with the expansion of the tablet business focus. Tablets, for instance, ipad or System Tab have transformed into an overall social example driving various customers to buy one, regardless of the possibility that they had in no way, shape or form specifically felt the call for sooner than. Social variables are amidst the components controlling client conduct widely. They go down snared on three gatherings: reference social affairs, family and social parts and status. The enlistment social events of an individual are social get-togethers to which he fits in and which will control him. The affiliation gatherings are much of the time corresponded to its public source, period, spot of staying, occupation, distractions, extra time, and so forth. The family is maybe the most controlling thing for a person. It structures a surroundings of socialization in which a person will develop, structure his character, get hold of standards. Anyhow and also develop state of mind and estimations on an assortment of territory under dialogs, for example, governmental issues, society, social relations or himself and his wishes. Yet likewise on his client conduct his knowledge of brands and the products he pays cash for. The area of a person inside his family, his occupation, his country club, his set of acquaintances, and so on this can be characterized in stipulations of position and shared position. An average utmost is a state of framework moreover steers that an individual is made-up to have and do as indicated by his line of work and his extent at occupation, his position in the relatives, his sex, and so forth and perspective of the people in the territory of him. Financial wellbeing for the short-term reflects the position and the vitality of this utmost in the regular offer or in social get-togethers. Some are supplemental perceived than others. The essential part and position unequivocally influences the client exercises and his acquiring choices. A pur chaser does not pay cash for the commensurate things or associations at 20 or 70 years. His lifestyle, standards, surroundings, lead, interests and client propensities change all through his life. For instance, amidst his life, a client could change his decrease from harmful things (fast food, organized suppers, and so on.) to an matchless devouring timetable, amidst midlife with family past to call for to take after an unassuming in this way a low cholesterol expending regimen to decline wellbeing issues. By seeing and persisting through the things that control their customers, brands have the opportunity to make a strategy, a publicizing correspondence (Unique Value Proposition) and propelling battles more fit and all the more according to the requirements and behavior of thinking about their target clients. Real fitting in with redesign get together the requirements of its purchasers and add to evaluate. References Berkowitz, E. and Berkowitz, E. (1992). Marketing. Homewood, IL: Irwin. Blythe, J. (2006). Marketing. London: SAGE Publications. Cateora, P. (1983). International marketing. Homewood, Ill.: R.D. Irwin. Kotler, P. (1980). Marketing management. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (1991). Principles of marketing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Pride, W. and Ferrell, O. (2008). Marketing. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Zikmund, W. and D'Amico, M. (1989). Marketing. New York: Wiley.